A: Dune: Eye of the Storm


Dune: Eye of the Storm


Firma Last Unicorn Games vytvorila zberate¾skú kartovú hru (ZKH, angl. skratka TCG, CCG) pod názvom "Dune: Eye of the Storm", vydanú firmou Five Rings Publishing Group Inc. v júli 1997. 
Hlavným dizajnérom bol Owen Seyler, umeleckým riadite¾om Christian Moore. K ïalším umelcom, ktorí sa na jej tvorbe podie¾ali patria Fred Fields, Larry Elmore, David Cherry, Frank Kelly-Freas, Walter Valez, Matt Wilson a Mark Zug. 

Samotná hra je založená na knihe, no vyskytujú sa v nej i informácie z filmu Duna Davida Lyncha. Základná edícia s názvom "Eye of the Storm" obsahuje 301 kariet, druhé vydanie tohoto základného balíèka sa predávalo pod názvom "Stormfront". Plánovali sa 4 doplnkové sady ("Judge of the Change" a "Thunder at Twilight" boli i kompletne vydané, "Second Moon Rising" a Fall of the Padishah" boli zrušené) . Predávala sa v podobe štartovacích balíèkov so 60-timi kartami, dodatkové balíèky mali 15 kariet.
Jej produkcia už bola ukonèená.

"Eye of the Storm" pokrýva politické intrigy z románu "Duna". Hlavné tri politické frakcie sú Landsraad, Gilda a Impérium, ktoré ovládajú ažbu melanže.
Zoznam kariet tohoto základného balíka:

   Názov karty                      Typ a subtyp karty         Ilustrátor          Vzácnos
1.   Dune                          Siridar  Fief, Dune Fief    David Cherry             S
2.   Arrakeen                      Dune Fief, City             Randy Asplund-Faith      S
3.   Carthag                       Dune Fief, City             Randy Asplund-Faith      S
4.   Imperial Basin                Dune Fief, Desert           Corey Macourek           S
5.   The Minor Erg                 Dune Fief, Desert           Corey Macourek           S
6.   The Open Bled                 Dune Fief, Desert           Corey Macourek           S
7.   Caladan                   A   Homeworld, Fief             David Cherry             D
8.   Giedi Prime               H   Homeworld, Fief             David Cherry             D
9.   Kaitain                   C   Homeworld, Fief             Rob Alexander            D
10.  Wallach IX                B   Homeworld, Fief             Rob Alexander            D
11.  Tupile                    G   Homeworld, Fief             David Cherry             D
12.  Forbidden Zone            F   Homeworld, Dune Fief        David Leri               D
13.  Caladanan Exports         A   Charter, Directorship       Mark Poole               S
14.  Harkonnen Industries      H   Charter, Directorship       Doug Chaffee             S
15.  Military Appropriations       Charter, Tithe              David Leri               I
16.  Imperial Revenues         C   Charter, Directorship       Terry Pavlet             S
17.  Sisterhood Covenant       B   Charter, Directorship       Larry Elmore             S
18.  Trespass Accord           F   Charter, Dune Contract      Darryl Elliott           S
19.  Exchange Seat                 Charter, Directorship       Doug Beekman             I
20.  Weather Control           G   Charter, Dune Agreement     Doug Chaffee             S
21.  Harvesting Contract           Charter, Dune Contract      Darryl Elliott           I
22.  Spotter Control               Charter, Dune Contract      John Monteleone          I
23.  CHOAM Directorship            Charter, Directorship       Larry Snelly             I
24.  Spacing Industries            Charter, Directorship       Mark Maxwell             I
25.  Imperial Suk School           Charter, Partnership        David Cherry             I
26.  Bene Tleilax Accord           Charter, Partnership        Michael Apice            I
27.  Machines from Ix              Charter, Partership         Doug Chaffee             I
28.  Suspensor Technologies        Charter, Partnership        Larry Elmore             I    
29.  Smuggler Bribes               Charter, Dune Tithe         Darryl Elliott           I
30.  Windtrap Technologies         Charter, Dune Contract      Doug Chaffee             I
31.  Duke Leto Atreides        A   Ally, Noble, Duke           Mark Zug                 S
32.  Paul Atreides             A   Ally, Noble, Heir           Mark Zug                 S
33.  Thufir Hawat              A   Ally, Vassal, Mentat        Mark Zug                 I
34.  Duncan Idaho              A   Ally, Vassal, Swordmaster   Mark Zug                 I
35.  Gurney Halleck            A   Ally, Vassal, Officer       Mark Zug                 S
36.  Baron Vladimir Harkonnen  H   Ally, Noble, Baron          Mark Zug                 S
37.  Feyd Rautha               H   Ally, Noble, Heir           Mark Zug                 S
38.  Piter de Vries            H   Ally, Vassal, Mentat        Mark Zug                 I
39.  Glossu Rabban             H   Ally, Noble, Count          Mark Zug                 S
40.  Iakin Nefud               H   Ally, Vassal, Officer       Mark Zug                 I
41.  Shaddam IV                C   Ally, Noble, Emperor        Doug Beekman             S
42. Count Hasimir Fenring     C   Ally, Noble, Count          Doug Beekman             S
43.  Commander Aramsham        C   Ally, Vassal, Officer       Doug Beekman             S
44.  Doctor Kynes              C   Ally, Vassal, Native        Doug Beekman             I
45.  Jareh Benquait            C   Ally, Vassal, Smuggler, Nat.Doug Beekman             I
46.  Gaius Helen Mohiam        B   Ally, Vassal, Rev. Mother   Fred Fields              S
47.  Lady Jessica              B   Ally, Noble, Sister         Mark Zug                 I
48.  Princess Irulan           B   Ally, Noble, Heir, Sister   Fred Fields              S
49.  Lady Margot               B   Ally, Noble, Sister, Adept  Fred Fields              S
50.  Sister Ramallo            B   Ally, Vassal, Rev. Mother   Mark Zug                 I
51. Stilgar                   F   Ally, Vassal, Naib, Native  Mark Zug                 S
52.  Chani                     F   Ally, Vassal, Native        Terry Pavlet             S
53.  Korba                     F   Ally, Vassal, Officer, Nat. Mark Zug                 I
54.  Jamis-Fremen Warrior      F   Ally, Vassal, Native        Mark Zug                 S
55.  The Shadout Mapes         F   Ally, Vassal, Native        Mark Zug                 I
56.  Oberon                    G   Ally, Vassal, Navigator     Fred Fields              S
57.  Gauvir Mucca              G   Ally, Vassal, Mentat, Nav.  Fred Fields              S
58.  Albrecht Nim              G   Ally, Vassal, Navigator     Doug Beekman             I
59.  Dorvin Saeth              G   Ally, Vassal, Officer       Doug Beekman             S
60.  Liscia Theirese           G   Ally, Vassal, Assassin      Doug Beekman             I
61.  Atreides Propagandist     A   Aide, Spy                   Doug Beekman             R
62.  Harkonnen Slavemaster     H   Aide, Slavemaster           Doug Beekman             R
63.  Levenbreche               C   Aide, Sardaukar, Officer    Doug Beekman             R
64.  Renegade Sister           B   Aide, Sister, Adept         Val Mayerick             R
65.  Fremen Naib               F   Aide, Naib, Native          Doug Beekman             R
66.  Guild Navigator           G   Aide, Navigator             Lawrence Snelly          R
67.  House Mentat                  Aide, Mentat                Doug Beekman             U
68.  House Swordmaster             Aide, Swordmaster           Doug Beekman             U
69.  House Physician               Aide, Physician             Doug Beekman             C
70.  House Assassin                Aide, Assassin              Val Mayerik              U
71.  House Agent                   Aide, Spy                   Val Mayerick             C
72.  CHOAM Delegate                Aide, Delegate              Brian Durfee             C
73.  Landsraad Emissary            Aide, Delegate              Brian Durfee             U
74. Dune Smuggler                 Aide, Smuggler, Native      Doug Beekman             C
75.  Guard Commander               Aide, Officer               Walter Valez             C
76.  Sandworm                      Event, Dune                 Doug Beekman             C
77.  Coriolis Storm                Event, Dune                 Mark Poole               C
78.  Spice Blow                    Event, Dune                 Mark Poole               C
79.  Smuggler Activity             Event, Dune                 Doug Chaffee             U
80.  Dune Charter Renewal          Event, Dune                 David Leri               R
81.  Production Bonus              Event, Dune                 Doug Chaffee             R
82.  Spice Mining Inspection       Event, Dune                 Darryl Elliot            R
83.  Water Riot                    Event, Dune                 David Martin             R
84.  Imperial Favor                Event, Dune                 Walter Velez             C
85. Imperial Reprimand            Event, Dune                 Alan Clark               C
86. Guild Stockpiling             Event, Imperium             David Martin             U
87. CHOAM Dividends               Event, Imperium             David Martin             C
88.  CHOAM Restructuring           Event, Imperium             David Martin             U
89.  Guild Surplus                 Event, Imperium             David Cherry             U
90.  Petitioning Delays            Event, Imperium             Walter Valez             C
91.  Hoarding Tithe                Event, Imperium             Doug Chaffee             U
92. Emperor's Outrage             Event, Imperium             Walter Velez             U
93.  Military Transport            Event, Imperium             Mark Maxwell             C
94.  CHOAM Recess                  Event, Imperium             Ron Walotsky             U
95.  Landsraad Summit              Event, Imperium             David Leri               R
96. Holding Tithes                Event, Imperium             Brian Durfee             C
97.  Alliance Negotiations         Event, Imperium             Walter Valez             C
98.  CHOAM Insolvency              Event, Imperium             Ron Walotsky             R
99.  Philanthropy Drive            Event, Dune                 David Cherry             R
100. Assembly of Lords             Event, Imperium             David Leri               R
101. Armistice Treaty              Event, Imperium             David Leri               U
102. Landsraad Inquest             Event, Imperium             David Leri               U
103. Irulan's Peace                Event, Imperium             Brian Durfee             U
104. Imperial Fete                 Event, Imperium             David Leri               R
105. House Turmoil                 Event, Imperium             Walter Velez             R
106. Recruitment Drive             Venture, Deployment         Alan Pollack             C
107. Water Rationing               Venture, Deployment         Walter Valez             C
108. Policy of Oppression          Venture, Engagement         Alan Clark               C
109. Salvaging Operation           Venture, Draw               Doug Chaffee             R
110. Silo Destruction              Venture, Discard            Eric Anderson            R
111. Exchange Proxy                Venture, Exchange           Doug Beekman             C
112. Return to the Floor           Venture, Petition           Brian Durfee             C
113. Unprecedented Intercession    Venture, Petition           Audrey Corman            R
114. Informal Induction            Venture, Petition           Ron Walotsky             U
115. Stranglehold                  Venture, Petition           Mark Maxwell             U
116. Formal Discharge              Venture, Transfer           Cortney Skinner          C
117. Usurp Holding                 Venture, Transfer           Mark Maxwell             C
118. Arclight Assault              Venture, Battle             Walter Valez             C
119. Pogrom                        Venture, Battle             Ted Naifeh               C
120. Surgical Strike               Venture, Battle             Tom Baxa                 U
121. Sand Scrub                    Venture, Battle             Doug Chaffee             U
122. Expeditionary Invasion        Venture, Battle             Debbie Hughes            R
123. House Atomics                 Venture, Battle             Eric Anderson            R
124. Forbidden Match               Venture, Dueling            Stephen Daniele          C
125. Best Blade                    Venture, Dueling            Stephen Daniele          C
126. Act of Cowardice              Venture, Dueling            John Pierard             U
127. Compel Surrender              Venture, Dueling            Audrey Corman            R
128. Vendetta                      Venture, Dueling            Stephen Daniele          R
129. Coins under the Table         Venture, Arbitration        Cortney Skinner          C
130. Proces Verbal                 Venture, Arbitration        Alan Pollack             U
131. Provoke Insurgency            Venture, Arbitration        Alan Pollack             C
132. Subvert Arrangement           Venture, Arbitration        Darryl Elliott           U
133. Historic Acquisition          Venture, Arbitration        Debbie Hughes            R
134. Liquidation Measures          Venture, Arbitration        David Leri               R
135. Twilight Assault              Venture, Intrigue           Tom Baxa                 C
136. Terrorism                     Venture, Intrigue           Stephen Daniele          U
137. Implicate Traitor             Venture, Intrigue           Walter Valez             C
138. Industiral Sabotage           Venture, Intrigue           Ron Walotsky             U
139. Betrayal                      Venture, Intrigue           Anthony Hightower        R
140. Chaumurky                     Venture, Intrigue           Audrey Corman            R
141. Waking Dream Premonition      Venture, Prescience         David Fooden             U
142. Spice Trance                  Venture, Prescience         David Fooden             U
143. Prescience Trance             Venture, Prescience         Doug Beekman             U
144. Traverse Fold-Space           Venture, Prescience         Terry Pavlet             R
145. Prophetic Vision              Venture, Prescience         Rob Alexander            R
146. Weirding Way                  Venture, Weirding           Zak Plucinski            U
147. Litany Against Fear           Venture, Weirding           John Pierard             U
148. Sharing of Inner Lives        Venture, Weirding           Zak Plucinski            R
149. Voice Command                 Venture, Weirding           David Fooden             U
150. Truth Saying                  Venture, Weirding           Alan Clark               R
151. Knife Tip Shatters            Tactic, Engagement          Ted Naifeh               C
152. Weapon Misfire                Tactic, Engagement          Zak Plucinski            C
153. Shield Failure                Tactic, Engagement          Zak Plucinski            C
154. Device Malfunction            Tactic, Engagement          Darryl Elliott           C
155. Inert Poison                  Tactic, Declaration         Mark Poole               R
156. Priority Matter               Tactic, Declaration         Brian Durfee             C
157. False Diversion               Tactic, Declaration         Walter Valez             C
158. Security Sweep                Tactic, Declaration         David Cherry             C
159. Production Setbacks           Tactic, Declaration         Adam Wallenta            C
160. Storm Hazard                  Tactic, Declaration         Walter Valez             C
161. Predawn Ritual                Tactic, Declaration         Michael Apice            C
162. Rachag_Stimulants             Tactic, Declaration         Christina Wald           C
163. Fold-Space Complications      Tactic, Declaration         Mark Maxwell             R
164. Supply Tampering              Tactic, Declaration         Mark Maxwell             R
165. Covert Venture                Tactic, Declaration         Debbie Hughes            R
166. Aborted Raid                  Tactic, Declaration         Doug Chaffee             U
167. Vanish without Trace          Tactic, Declaration         Debbie Hughes            U
168. Pre-Emptive Strike            Tactic, Declaration         Walter Velez             U
169. Imperial Recess               Tactic, Declaration         Terry Pavlet             U
170. Long, Cold Night              Tactic, Declaration         John Monteleone          U
171. Exchange Suspension           Tactic, Exchange, Declar.   Doug Chaffee             R
172. Quality Inspection            Tactic, Exchange, Declar.   Debbie Hughes            R
173. Exchange Violation            Tactic, Exchange, Declar.   Mark Maxwell             R
174. Claim Initiative              Tactic, Initiative, Declar. Zak Plucinski            C
175. Hidden Reserves               Tactic, Initiative, Declar. John Monteleone          R
176. False Allegations             Tactic, Initiative, Declar. Zak Plucinski            C
177. Powerful Ally                 Tactic, Initiative, Declar. Mark Poole               U
178. Invocation of Caste           Tactic. Initiative, Declar. Cortney Skinner          U
179. Magnanimous Appeal            Tactic, Petition, Declar.   David Martin             U
180. Collusion                     Tactic, Petition, Declar.   Ted Naifeh               R
181. Venomous Faith                Tactic, Petition, Declar.   Ted Naifeh               U
182. Scuttled Negotiation          Tactic, Petition, Declar.   David Leri               R
183. Early Procurment              Tactic, Petition, Declar.   Walter Velez             R
184. Petitioning Savvy             Tactic, Petition, Declar.   Don Hillsman             R
185. Petitioning Tithe             Tactic, Petition, Declar.   Mark Maxwell             R
186. Ambitious Enterprise          Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. David Leri               C
187. Financial Reward              Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. John Monteleone          U
188. Well-Placed Bribes            Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. David Martin             C
189. Sterling Reputation           Tactic, Arbitration,Declar. Debbie Hughes            U
190. Public Defamation             Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. Cortney Skinner          C
191. Diplomatic Initiative         Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. Ted Naifeh               U
192. Interests of Detante          Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. Walter Velez             R
193. Buyout Agreement              Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. Zak Plucinski            R
194. Brilliant Rhetoric            Tactic, Arbitration,Declar. David Leri               U
195. Imperial Codex                Tactic, Arbitration,Engage. Audrey Corman            R
196. Feigned Unreadiness           Tactic, Battle, Engagement  Debbie Hughes            C
197. Battle Fatalities             Tactic, Battle, Engagement  Stephen Daniele          R
198. Marshalling of the Troops     Tactic, Battle, Declaration Doug Chaffee             U
199. Perilous Terrain              Tactic, Battle, Declaration Eric Anderson            U
200. Low Morale                    Tactic, Battle, Declaration Walter Velez             C
201. Famous Battle Account         Tactic, Battle, Engagment   John  Monteleone         U
202. Fanaticism                    Tactic, Battle, Engagement  Anthony Hightower        C
203. Battle Captive                Tactic, Battle, Engagement  John Pierard             R
204. Surprise Assault              Tactic, Battle, Engagement  Matt Wilson              U
205. Terrain Advantage             Tactic, Battle, Engagement  Terry Pavlet             R
206. Knife Switch                  Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Christina Wald           U
207. Slow Attack                   Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Stephen Daniele          C
208. Poisoned Blade                Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Christina Wald           R
209. Moonlit Fray                  Tactic, Duel, Declaration   David Leri               U
210. Imperial Intervention         Tactic, Duel, Declaration   Debbie Hughes            C
211. Blade Parry                   Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Christina Wald           R
212. Dueling Honors                Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Brian Durfee             U
213. Secund-Elect                  Tactic, Duel, Declaration   John Monteleone          U
214. Formal Impressment            Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Ron Walotsky             R
215. Blinding Defense              Tactic, Duel, Engagement    Don Hillsman             C
216. Focused Gambit                Tactic, Intrigue,Engagement John Monteleone          C
217. Unforseen Difficulties        Tactic, Intrigue, Declar.   Zak Plucinski            U
218. Intelligence_Espionage        Tactic, Intrigue, Engage    Darryl Elliott           C
219. Witness Testimonial           Tactic, Intrigue, Engage.   Cortney Skinner          U
220. Column of Smoke               Tactic, Intrigue, Declar.   Debbie Hughes            C
221. Mentat Precision              Tactic, Intrigue, Declar.   John Monteleone          U
222. Tiger Cunning                 Tactic, Intrigue, Engage.   David Leri               U
223. Back to the Wall              Tactic, Intrigue, Engage.   Brian Durfee             R
224. Bodies in the Well            Tactic, Intrigue, Engage.   John Monteleone          R
225. Hostage Option                Tactic, Intrigue, Engage.   Walter Velez             R
226. Engineering Corps             Personnel, Corps, Division  John Bridges             R
227. Assassin Cohort               Personnel, Corps, Cohort    Walter Velez             C
228. Imperial Courtiers            Personnel, Corps, Legation  Walter Velez             R
229. CHOAM League                  Personnel, Corps, Legation  Doug Chaffee             C
230. Landsraad Coalition           Personnel, Corps, Legation  Walter Velez             C
231. Guild Entourage           G   Personnel, Corps, Legation  Mark Zug                 U
232. Missionaria Protectiva    B   Personnel, Corps, Legation  Doug Beekman             U
233. Atreides Battalion        A   Personnel, Troop, Battalion Walter Velez             U
234. Fremen Battalion          F   Personnel, Troop, Battalion Doug Beekman             U
235. Harkonnen Battalion       H   Personnel, Troop, Battalion Walter Velez             U
236. Sardaukar Battalion       C   Personnel, Troop, Battalion Doug Chaffee             U
237. House Battalion               Personnel, Troop, Battalion Walter Velez             C
238. Sabotage Device               Equipment, Device           Mark Maxwell             U
239. Thumper                   F   Equipment, Device           Doug Chaffee             R
240. Oil Lense Binoculars          Equipment, Device, Sensor   Doug Chaffee             C
241. Poison Snooper                Equipment, Device, Sensor   Christina Wald           C
242. Seismic Probes                Equipment, Device, Sensor   Darryl Elliott           R
243. Baliset                       Equipment, Device           Christina Wald           C
244. Personal Shield               Equipment, Device, Shield   Christina Wald           C
245. Shigawire Bonds               Enhancement, Bonds          Christina Wald           R
246. Symbol of Authority           Equipment, Device, Emblem   Audrey Corman            R
247. Crysknife                 F   Equipment, Weapon, Blade    Randy Asplund-Faith      R
248. Kindjal                       Equipment, weapon, Blade    Christina Wald           C
249. Slip-Tip                      Equipment, Weapon, Blade    Christina Wald           U
250. Hunter Seeker                 Equipment, Device, Weapon   Doug Chaffee             U
251. Flip-Dart                     Equipment, Weapon, Needle   Christina Wald           R
252. Gom Jabbar                B   Equipment, Weapon, Needle   David Fooden             R
253. Maula Pistol                  Equipment, weapon, Project. Debbie Hughes            C
254. Stunner                       Equipment, Weapon, Project. Doug Chaffee             U
255. Lasgun Rifle                  Equipment, Weapon, Project. Doug Chaffee             R
256. Spice Harvester               Equipment, Transport        Randy Asplund-Faith      C
257. Carryall                      Equipment, Transport        Randy Asplund-Faith      C
258. Guild Heighliner          G   Equipment, Transport        Mark Maxwell             R
259. Maker Hooks               F   Equipment, Transport        Doug Chaffee             R
260. Desert-Rigged Ornithopter     Equipment, Transport        Randy Asplund-Faith      C
261. Garrison                      Enhancement, Bastion        Courtney Skinner         C
262. Ecological Testing Site       Enhancement, Bastion        Doug Chaffee             U
263. Formidable Patron             Enhancement, Compact        Cortney Skinner          C
264. Hereditary Claim              Enhancement, Compact        Cortney Skinner          C
265. Imperial Seal                 Enhancement, Compact        Audrey Corman            R
266. Palace Keep                   Enhancement, Bastion        David Cherry             U
267. Sietch Community              Enhancement, Bastion        Brian Durfee             U
268. Thopter Outpost              Enhancement, Bastion        Mark Maxwell             C
269. Command Center                Enhancement, Bastion        Cortney Skinner          C
270. House Shield Generator        Equipment, Device, Shield   Mark Maxwell             R
271. Windtrap                      Enhancement, Bastion        Doug Chaffee             C
272. Arms Training                 Enhancement, Skill          Terry Pavlet             C
273. Diplomacy                     Enhancement, Skill          David Martin             C
274. Mentat Analysis               Enhancement, Skill          Larry Elmore             U
275. Prescience                    Enhancement, Skill          David Fooden             U
276. Shield Fighting               Enhancement, Skill          Zak Plucinski            U
277. Subterfuge                    Enhancement, Skill          Terry Pavlet             C
278. Valor                         Enhancement, Skill          Terry Pavlet             C
279. Weirding Combat               Enhancement, Skill          Zak Plucinski            U
280. Weirding Talent               Enhancement, Skill          David Fooden             U
281. Badge of the Lion             Enhancement, Title          Brian Durfee             U
282. Heir Designate                Enhancement, Title          Val Mayerik              R
283. High Steersman                Enhancement, Title          John Bridges             R
284. Master of Assassins           Enhancement, Title          Val Mayerik              U
285. Naib's Countenance            Enhancement, Compact        Val Mayerik              R
286. Order of the Sword            Enhancement, Title          David Leri               U
287. Peer of the Realm             Enhancement, Title          Cortney Skinner          U
288. Full Reverend Mother          Enhancement, Title          Mark Zug                 R
289. Accomplished Blademaster      Enhancement, Title          John Monteleone          U
290. Truth Sayer                   Enhancement, Title          Doug Beekman             R
291. Hand of God                   Enhancement, Condition      Frank Kelly-Freas        C
292. Heat Sickness                 Enhancement, Sickness       Don Hillsman             U
293. Imperial Conditioning         Enhancement, Condition      Mark Poole               U
294. Juice of Sapho                Enhancement, Condition      Christina Wald           C
295. Prescience Shielding          Enhancement, Condition      Doug Beekman             R
296. Secret Allegiance             Enhancement, Condition      David Martin             U
297. Spice Addiction               Enhancement, Sickness       David Fooden             R
298. Timed Drug                    Enhancement, Sickness       David Fooden             R
299. Poison Gas Tooth              Enhancement, Condition      Terry Pavlet             R
300. Residual Poison               Enhancement, Sickness       Alan Clark               R 301. Dr. Wellington Yueh       A   Ally, Vassal, Suk           Mark Zug                 I


"Judge of The Change" - rozširujúci balík (epizódy 1-3) s celkovým poètom 183 kariet.


Dune: Judge of the Change- Dune Smugglers

Názov karty

Typ a subtyp karty


1.  Advance Team Reports Tactic:Battle/Engagement C
2.  Alliance Review Board Charter:Directorship I
3.  Approximation Analysis Venture:Intrigue U
4.  Assembly Chairmanship Charter:Directorship I
5.  Attack Sinister Tactic:Duel/Engagement C
6.  Broken Arrangement Tactic:Petition/Declaration U
7.  Carthag Privateer Aide:Merchant/Spy C
8.  Comandeer Transport Venture:Battle U
9.  Command of the Padishah Venture:Petition U
10. Desert Hawk Aide:Officer/Native U
11. Diplomatic Settlement Tactic:Arbitration/Declaration C
12. Elacca Langour Enhancement:Sickness C
13. El-Sayal Event:Dune U
14. Esmar Tuek Ally:Vassal/Native F
15. Eyes of Ibad Venture:Prescience U
16. False Wall South Fief:Homeworld/Dune Fief F
17. Feige Treazal Ally:Vassal/Native F
18. Free Trader Scout Aide:Spy/Native U
19. Ghost Caravan Event:Dune F
20. Grumman Fiet Tactic:Initiative/Declaration U
21. Guild Spy Ring Personnel:Corps U
22. Hagga Basin Fief:Dune Fief/Desert F
23. Honorarium Familia Enhancement:Sanction C
24. House Subfief Decree:Dictum I
25. Imperial Entourage Personnel:Corps U
26. Irrevocable Directorship Decree:Dictum I
27. Kaldo Radij Ally:Vassal/Assassin I
28. Mahdi Enhancement:Title R
29. Muddled Vision Tactic:Declaration R
30. Name of the Great Mother Tactic:Declaration U
31. Otheym Ally:Vassal/Native I
32. Padishah Lapdog Aide:Delegate U
33. Pre-Spice Mass Event:Dune U
34. Private Consortium Enhancement:Company C
35. Proctor of Spies Aide:Officer/Adept U
36. Production Quota Event:Imperium U
37. Protracted Duration Tactic:Declaration C
38. Pru-Door Scenario Tactic:Intrigue/Engagement C
39. Pundi Rice Market Charter:Directorship I
40. Pyretic Conscience Enhancement:Condition C
41. Quasi-Fief Decree:Enhancement F
42. Remy Egusku Ally:Vassal/Native F
43. Shadow Partnership Charter:Partnership I
44. Shari-A Projects Charter:Directorship I
45. Smuggler Band Personnel:Corps C
46. Smuggler Battalion Personnel:Troop C
47. Smuggler Frigate Equipment:Transport R
48. Smuggler's Ambassador Decree:Title I
49. Smuggling Revenues Charter:Partnership F
50. Sonar Probe Equipment:Device C
51. Soo Soo Nejhre Ally:Vassal/Banker F
52. Staban Tuek Ally:Vassal/Heir F
53. The Voice Enhancement:Skill U
54. Trafficking Partnership Charter:Partnership F
55. Troop Carrier Equipment:Transport C
56. Umma Enhancement:Title R
57. Undermine Support Tactic:Declaration R
58. Vanguard Battalion Personnel:Troop C
59. Venture Within Venture:Weirding U
60. Wake Shot Equipment:Device U
61. War of Assassins Event:Imperium U


Dune: Judge of the Change- Spice Miner's Guild

Názov karty

Typ a subtyp


1.  Ancestral Provenance Tactic:Initiative/Declaration U
2.  Arbiter Authority Decree:Enhancement I
3.  Arbiter Proclaimation Tactic:Arbitration/Engagement C
4.  Atreides House Guard Personnel:Troop U
5.  Atreides Occupation Event:Imperium U
6.  Baraka Aide:Prophet U
7.  Casting Nets Tactic:Declaration C
8.  Certificate of Allegiance Tactic:Petition/Declaration U
9.  Change of Fief Event:Imperium U
10. CHOAM Contract Charter:Directorship I
11. Communinet Transmitter Equipment:Device C
12. Conversion Contracts Charter:Dune Contract F
13. Directed Retreat Tactic:Duel/Engagement C
14. Dump Box Deployment Venture:Transfer U
15. Dune Men Personnel:Troop C
16. Emperor's Truthsayer Decree I
17. Festival of the Harvest Event:Dune U
18. Fremen Siech Reserves Personnel:Troop U
19. Guild Spokesman Aide:Delegate U
20. Harvester Pad Enhancement:Bastion U
21. Harvesting Summit Event:Dune F
22. Hebe Ally:Vassal/Prophet I
23. His Majesty's Fief Decree:Dictum I
24. House Frigate Equipment:Transport U
25. Imperial Servant Enhancement:Title R
26. Intelligence Report Tactic:Declaration R
27. Judge of the Change Decree:Enhance/Title F
28. Justice of the Great Enhancement:Skill C
29. Learning of the Wise Enhancement:Skill C
30. Lt. Aneirin Ally:Vassal/Pilot F
31. Matter of Kanly Venture:Arbitration U
32. Mess'r Coss Ally:Vassal/Native F
33. Omri B'rrican Ally:Vassal/Native F
34. Pardee Ally:Vassal/Spy F
35. Pillar of Fire Tactic:Declaration U
36. Plasteel Industries Charter:Contract I
37. Prana-Bindu Suspension Tactic:Declaration R
38. Prayers of the Righteous Enhancement:Skill C
39. Pyon Elder Aide:Delegate C
40. Pyon Labor Force Personnel:Corps C
41. Pyon Village Enhancement:Bastion C
42. Razzia Venture:Battle U
43. Sandmaster Aide:Officer U
44. Schlag Hide Exports Charter:Directorship I
45. Shield Wall Bases Charter:Dune Contract F
46. Silo Pillaging Tactic:Battle/Engagement C
47. Siridar Tithes Charter:Tithe I
48. Sister Baruna Ally:Vassal/Mentat I
49. Spice Dogs Personnel:Corps C
50. Spice Driver Aide:Officer U
51. Spice Infusion Enhancement:Condition R
52. Spotter Flight Venture:Deployment U
53. Straight-Line Computation Tactic:Intrigue/Engagement C
54. The Great Flat Fief:Dune Fief/Desert F
55. The Shield Wall Fief:Homeworld/Dune Fief F
56. Tivor Manx Ally:Vassal/Native F
57. Ultra-Fast Coagulation Enhancement:Condition R
58. Valor of the Brave Enhancement:Skill C
59. Vessel of Karama Venture:Prescience U
60. Whale Fur Industries Charter:Directorship I
61. Wormsign Event:Dune U


Dune: Judge of the Change- Water Seller's Union
Názov karty
Typ a subtyp
1.  Amtal Accord Venture:Duel U
2.  Arrakeen Patriarch Aide:Noble/Merchant C
3.  Arrakeen Water Facilities Charter:Directorship F
4.  Arsunt Fief:Dune City F
5.  Assassin's Honor Tactic:Intrigue/Declaration C
6.  Atreides Sector-Guard Aide:Officer U
7.  Botanical Testing Grant Charter:Dune Contract I
8.  Carthag Engineering Charter:Directorship I
9.  Cesar "La" Layre Ally:Vassal/Banker I
10. Contract Negotiations Event:Imperium U
11. Culmination of Dark Things Event:Imperium U
12. Cutteray Equipment:Device U
13. Emrys Jago Ally:Vassal/Native I
14. Fakhir Zirut Ally:Vassal/Native F
15. Fortune of Al-Lat Venture:Transfer U
16. Glacier Mining Operation Charter:Directorship F
17. Glacier Refinery Enhancement:Bastion U
18. Governor of Arrakis Decree:Enhancement F
19. Guild Bank Arbiter Decree:Enhancement I
20. Guild Bank Representative Enhancement:Title R
21. Guild Shuttle Equipment:Transport R
22. Harkonnen Sleeper Personnel:Troop U
23. Harkonnen Sleeper Aide:Assassin/Spy U
24. Ice Riggers Personnel:Troop C
25. Infraction of the Change Tactic:Declaration R
26. Ionesco Valdeshar Ally:Vassal/Assassin F
27. Kanly Omissia Enhancement:Sanction R
28. Kulon Husbandry Charter:Dune Contract I
29. Lida Banfi Ally:Vassal/Native F
30. Lingar Bewt Ally:Vassal/Native F
31. Mantene Principia Tactic:Arbitration/Engagement C
32. Mark of the Drowned Man Venture:Transfer U
33. Noble Born Enhancement:Title C
34. Northern Polar Sink Fief:Homeworld/Dune Fief F
35. Period of Truce Event:Dune U
36. Petitioning Coup Tactic:Petition/Declaration U
37. Petitioning Retribution Event:Imperium U
38. Prana-Bindu Conditioning Enhancement:Skill C
39. Precept of Istislah Venture:Transfer U
40. Rapier Equipment:Blade C
41. Ritual Combat Tactic:Declaration R
42. Scars of Rememberance Tactic:Duel/Declaration C
43. Semuta Addiction Enhancement:Sickness C
44. Shifting Tides Tactic:Declaration U
45. Siridar Governorship Charter:Governorship I
46. Soaks Personnel:Corps C
47. Sponsored Funding Charter:Partnership I
48. Stillsuit Equipment:Device C
49. Strategic Positioning Tactic:Battle/Engagement C
50. Strategy Delegation Personnel:Corps C
51. Support of the Houses Tactic:Initiative/Declaration U
52. Tithing Clemency Decree:Enhancement I
53. Turn of Events Venture:Deployment U
54. Unreckoned Numbers Enhancement:Secret C
55. Water Despot Decree:Enhancement I
56. Water Marshall Aide:Officer U
57. Water Peddler Aide:Merchant/Native U
58. Water Shortage Event:Dune F
59. Water Tribute Tactic:Declaration C
60. Weirding Embassy Personnel:Corps U
61. Zenzi Bewt Ally:Vassal/Heir/Native F


"Thunder at Twillight" - rozširujúci balík (epizódy 1-3) s celkovým poètom 183 kariet.


Názov karty Rod Typ a subtyp Vzácnos

Èíslo epizódy (?)

1.  Duchy of Arrakis Atreides Homeworld : Dune Fief Box 1
2.  Duke Leto Atreides Atreides Ally : Nobel : Duke Set 1
3.  Gurney Halleck, Troubador-
Atreides Ally : Vassal : Officer Set 1
4.  Lady Jessica, Concubine of 
    Duke Leto
Atreides Ally : Vassal : Adept : Concubine Set 1
5.  Paul Atreides, Son of Duke
Atreides Ally : Nobel : Heir Set 1
6.  Thufir Hawat, Master of
Atreides Ally : Vassal : Mentat I/R 1
7.  Ducal Tithes Atreides Charter : Dune Tithe Set 1
8.  Ducal Signet Ring Atreides Decree : Enhancement : Symbol Set 1
9.  Evangelina Bene G Ally : Vassal : Adept : Consort I/R 3
10. Breeding Program Bene G Charter : Partnership I/R 2
11. Schooled Adept Bene G Decree : Enhancement : Title I/R 2
12. Salusa Secundus Corrino Homeworld : Fief Box 3
13. Commander Aramsham Corrino Ally : Vassal : Officer : Sarduakar Set 3
14. Dr. Kynes Corrino Ally : Vassal : Native Set 3
15. Emperor Shaddham IV Corrino Ally : Noble : Emperor Set 3
16. Gaius Helen Mohiam Corrino Ally : Vassal : ReverendMother Set 3
17. Kardif Corrino Ally : Vassal : Officer : Sarduakar I/R 3
18. Emperor's Proxy Corrino Charter : Partnership Set 3
19. High College Corrino Decree : Enhancement : Title Set 3
20. Duncan Idaho Fremen Ally : Vassal : Swordmaster I/R 1
21. Skirmishing Spoils Fremen Charter : Partnership I/R 3
22. Lisan Al-Giab Fremen Decree : Enhancement : Title I/R 3
23. Jarmush Guild Ally : Vassal : Officer : Spy I/R 2
24. Directorship Kickbacks Guild Charter : Directorship I/R 1
25. Instrument of the Guild Guild Decree : Enhancement : Title I/R 1
26. Dune Regency Harkonnen Homeworld : DuneFief Box 2
27. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Harkonnen Ally : Noble : Baron Set 2
28. Dr. Yueh Harkonnen Ally : Vassal : Physician : Suk Set 2
29. Glossu Rabban Harkonnen Ally : Noble : Count Set 2
30. Piter de Vries Harkonnen Ally : Vassal : Mentat : Assassin I/R 2
31. Umman Kudu Harkonnen Ally : Vassal : Officer : Guard Set 2
32. Baronial Tithes Harkonnen Charter : Directorship Set 2
33. Regent-Siridar Harkonnen Decree : Enhancement : Title Set 2
34. Dharva Glynn, Miner's Guild
Miners Ally : Vassal : Mentat : Native Set 1
35. Silo Trust Management Miners Charter : Directorship I/R 3
36. CHOAM Company Flag Miners Decree : Enhancement : Dictum I/R 3
37. Jarah Benquait Smugglers Ally : Vassal : Native Set 3
38. Blackmarket Enterprise Smugglers Charter : Partnership I/R 1
39. Beyond the Faufreluches Smugglers Decree : Enhancement : Dictum I/R 2
40. Styros Water S Ally : Vassal : Officer : Native Set 2
41. Dew harvesting Water S Charter : Directorship I/R 2
42. Water Magnate Water S Decree : Enhancement : Title I/R 1
43. The Broken Land Dune Fief : Desert Set 3
44. Splintered Rock Dune Fief : Outpost Set 1
45. Tsimpo Dune Fief : City Set 2
46. Abduct Heir Program I/R 2
47. Dominate the Assembly Program I/R 3
48. Fall of a Great Rival Harkonnen Program Set 2
49. Immobilize Urban Center Water S Program I/R 2
50. Inititive Coup Program I/R 3
51. Insert Watchers Bene G Progam : Venture I/R 1
52. Prevail in Kanly Progam : Venture I/R 1
53. Remain Invisible Smugglers Program I/R 3
54. Resurrect Alliance Progam : Venture I/R 1
55. Shelter the Lisan Al-Gaib Fremen Program I/R 2
56. Spice Stockpiling Guild Program I/R 3
57. Suborn Suk Program I/R 2
58. Surpass Mining Quota Miners Progam : Venture I/R 1
59. Tame Arrakis Atreides Progam : Venture Set 1
60. Usurp CHOAM Directorship Corrino Program Set 3
Imperial Cards
Názov karty Rod Typ a subtyp Vzácnos Èíslo epizódy (?)
61. Capt. Trumane Atreides Aide : Officer : Unique R 1
62. Corrupt Water Official Water S Aide : Office : Spy U 3
63. Czigo Harkonnen Aide : Soldier : Unique R 2
64. Fremen Marauder Fremen Aide : Warrior : Native U 2
65. House Courier Aide : Pilot : Spy C 3
66. Imperial Suk Aide : Physician : Suk C 2
67. Lighter Pilot Smugglers Aide : Pilot : Native U 1
68. Lt. Erta, Junior Levenbrech Corrino Aide : Sarduakar : Spy : Unique R 3
69. Lt. Fedor, Field Commander Atreides Aide : Officer : Unique R 1
70. Lt. Kinet Harkonnen Aide : Pilot : Unique R 2
71. Marduk Corrino Aide : Pilot : Sarduakar : Unique R 3
72. Master of Arms, Guard
Aide : Officer C 1
73. Sister of the Azhar Bene G Aide : Adept : Spy U 1
74. Watchdog Guild Aide : Delegate : Spy U 3
75. Weather Scanner Miners Aide : Office : Scout U 2
76. Advance Base Enhancement : Bastion C 1
77. Bill of Particulars Smugglers Enhancement : Compact : Document U 1
78. Byzantine Corruption Enhancement : Condition R 3
79. Deep Training Enhancement : Skill C 2
80. Division Leader Enhancement : Title C 3
81. Expert Command Enhancement : Skill C 1
82. Genetic Factor Enhancement : Condition U 3
83. Guild Bank Guild Enhancement : Bastion U 2
84. House Armory Enhancement : Bastion C 2
85. Landing Field Enhancement : Bastion C 3
86. Landsraad Spokesman Enhancement : Title R 1
87. Melee Training Enhancement : Skill C 1
88. Political Conniving Enhancement : Skill C 2
89. Sabotage Enhancement : Skill C 3
90. Sarduakar Mystique Corrino Enhancement : Condition U 3
91. School Injunction Enhancement : Dictum C 2
92. Seat of Governance Enhancement : Bastion ? 2
93. Shadowed Place Enhancement : Condition R 1
94. Storm Damage Enhancement : Condition R or U ? 1
95. Tahaddi Al-Burhan Enhancement : Secret C 2
96. Thopter Piloting Enhancement : Skill C 1
97. Witching Power Enhancement : Skill U 3
98. Battle-Rigged Thopter Fremen Equipment : Device C 1
99. Cannon Artillery Equipment : Weapon : Projectile R 2
100.Cielago Distrans Equipment : Device : Book C 3
101.Disguising Uniform Equipment : Transport : Craft C 2
102.Drag-Line Outfit Equipment : Device : Book C 1
103.Fabled Crysknife Equipment : Weapon : Projectile U ? 1
104.Lasgun Turret Equipment : Device : Suit C 3
105.Manual of the Friendly
Equipment : Transport : Craft C 2
106.Scout 'Thopter Equipment : Transport : Craft C 2
107.The Assassins' Handbook Equipment : Transport C 3
108.Troop Crusher, Battle
Equipment : Weapon : Blade U 3
109.Arakeen Richece Personnel : Corps : Reserve C 1
110.Atreides Brigade Atreides Personnel : Troop : Brigade C 1
111.Demolition Corps Miners Personnel : Troop : Division U 2
112.Disguised Sardaukar Bene G Personnel : Troop : Guard U 2
113.Folk of Graban and Pan Personnel : Corps : Reserve C 3
114.Fremen Band Fremen Personnel : Corps : Division C 2
115.Guild Security Division Harkonnen Personnel : Troop : Brigade C 3
116.Harvesting Oufit Fremen Personnel : Troop : Reserve U 1
117.Hellhounds Harkonnen Personnel : Troop : Brigade C 2
118.Honor Guard Water S Personnel : Corps : Division U / C 1
119.Hydrauic Inititive Corps Personell : Corps : Reserve C 2
120.Imperial Agents Guild Personnel : Troop : Battalion U 3
121.Propaganda Corps Corrino Personnel : Corps : Cohort C 1
122.Sarduakar Drop-Battalion Corrino Personnel : Troop : Battle C 3
123.Smuggler Underground Smugglers Personnel : Coprs : Cohort U 3
124.Assailant's Calling Card Tactic : Duel : Engagement C 3
125.Backstabbing Tactic : Declaration C ? R ? 1
126.Battle Company Tactic : Battle : Engagement C 2
127.Dishonorable Knifework Tactic : Intrigue : Engagement C 2
128.Distrans Message Tactic : Arbitration : Engagement C ? 1
129.Fog of Battle Tactic : Inititive : Declaration U / C 1
130.Gang Assailants Tactic : Petition : Declaration U 2
131.Grant Quarter Tactic : Declaration C 3
132.Gross Soliciting Tactic : Declaration U 2
133.Incite Hysteria Tactic : Battle : Declaration C 1
134.Letter of Credit Tactic : Duel : Declaration C 3
135.Lost in the Desert Tactic : Intrique : Declaration C 3
136.Overwhelming Affluence Tactic : Discard : Declaration R ? C ? 2
137.Political Combine Tactic : Arbitration : Declaration C 2
138.Preordained Sequence Tactic : Discard : Declaration U 3
139.Relinquish Claim Tactic : Intrique : Engagement C 3
140.Shaitan's Bargain Tactic : Battle : Declaration C 1
141.Smuggling Compact Tactic : Petition : Declaration** U 2
142.Stake Reputation Tactic : Declaration R ? 1
143.Supply Routing Tactic : Battle : Declaration U 1
144.Transfer Orders Tactic : Arbitration : Engagement C 3
145.Unfulfill'd Plans Tactic : Declaration C 1
146.Blood Feuding Venture :Petition R 3
147.Challenge by Combat Venture : Prescience U 2
148.CHOAM Complot Venture : Transfer



Karta z èasopisu CCG "The Duelist"
Karta z èasopisu CCG "The Duelist"        

Existuje 5 základných typov kariet: Osoby (Paul Atreides, Piter de Vries), Dàžavy (Imperiálna pláò, Harkonnenský priemysel), Udalosti (piesoèný èerv, zasadanie Landsraadu), Plány (útok partizánov, prepad) a Zdroje (skupina assassinov, laserpal).


Základné herné princípy:
Na zaèiatku hry si vytvorí každý hráè Rod s unikátnym názvom.
Tento Rod je uvenený v zoznamoch Landsraadu ako malorod. Každý nový Rod je potom spojený s jednou zo šiestich Imperiálnych síl: rodom Atreidov, rodom Harkonnenov, rodom Corrino, Kozmickou Gildou, Fremenmi alebo Bene Gesseritom. Tieto aliancie poskytujú hráèovi politickú ochranu a dávajú prístup k dôležitým zdrojom. Hlavným cie¾om je získa vstup do Landsraadu, do kresiel, ktoré sú urèené pre ve¾korody. Aby sa to podarilo, hráè musí urobi dve veci: nazbiera a uskladni 10 jednotiek Melanže v tzv. House Hord a získa 10 bodov Popularity. Popularita kolíše a je urèená tým, ako Rod dodržiava princípy Ve¾kého Imperiálneho Zákonníka. Ak hráèova Popularita klesne do záporných hodnôt, je predhodený Šaj-Hulúdovi.
Každý ah pozostáva z dvoch hlavných fáz. Prvá sa oznaèuje ako fáza CHOAM a obchoduje sa v nej s Melanžou. Je èisto ekonomická a funguje prostrednmíctvom jednoduchého vzorca ponuky a dopytu. Druhá fáza sa nazýva fázou Landsraadu a prebieha v nej samotná akcia. Hráèi môžu kupova Popularitu, uvádza Plány do pohybu a spúša Udalosti. V tejto fáze prebieha aj schválený súboj alebo Rituál. Existujú 4 typy boja: Arbitrácia (politický konflikt), Súboj (boj "muža proti mužovi"), Vojna (masový konflikt) a Intriga (sabotáž alebo vražda).
Akcie prebiehajú na domovskom svete každého Rodu (kde sa nachádza House Hord) a na Arrakis. Arrakis je reprezentovaná šiestimi kartami. Duna je hlavná karta a potom existuje 5 "lén", ktoré reprezentujú mestá alebo púš. Mestá produkujú zisk a púšte melanž. Kontrola karty Duny je ve¾kou výhodou, ale cena za stratu kontroly nad òou je ve¾mi vysoká.


B: Dune Trading Cards (Fleer Corporation, 1984)

Tento 132-kusový set kariet, vytvorený približne v èase uvedenia Lynchovho filmu "Dune" do kín, obsahuje mnoho populárnych scén, vrátane niektorých, ktoré sa nedajú vidie ani v skrátenej ani v rozšírenej verzií filmu. Karty 1 až 128 popisujú príbeh Duny. Karty 129 a 130 obsahujú ich zoznam. Karty 131 a 132 obsahujú nieko¾ko termínov z Terminológie Impéria, ktorá sa dá nájs na konci každej knihy eposu o Dune. Súèasou kartového setu je i 44 nálepiek, zobrazujúcich hlavné postavy a niektoré scény z filmu.
Predával sa vo forme balíèkov s 10 kartami, jednou samolepkou a žuvaèkou.


Detail (zdroj: www.duneworld.org)
Detail (zdroj: www.duneworld.org)
Detail (zdroj: www.duneworld.org)
Detail karty 89
Detail karty 104
Detail karty 111
Detail karty 126

Samolepka èíslo 1 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk) Samolepka èíslo 2 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)

Samolepka èíslo 3 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)

Samolepka èíslo 4 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)

Samolepka èíslo 5 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk) Samolepka èíslo 6 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)
Detail samolepky èíslo 16
Detail samolepky èíslo 21 (zdroj: www.duneworld.org)
Detail samolepky èíslo 23 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)
Detail samolepky èíslo 30 (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)
Box na karty (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)
Detail obalu balíèka (zdroj: www.arrakis.co.uk)
Obal z balíèka (zdroj:www.arrakis.co.uk) Obal z balíèka (zdroj:www.arrakis.co.uk)

Obal z balíèka (zdroj:www.arrakis.co.uk)


C. Dune: The Miniseries - Commemorative Set